My 2020 Workspace

Even though I’m an outspoken advocate for remote work, people also seem to be curious about what my setup at home looks like. With the current COVID-19 crisis, it is more relevant than ever to create a comfortable and productive work environment in your own four walls.

So here is my very own workspace for your inspiration. If you spot something you like that is not mentioned below, reach out on twitter or via email!

The Room

The saismo office

I spend a significant amount of time in my office, so it was necessary to build a space that makes me feel productive and creative. It is also strictly dedicated to getting work done. Having a separate room makes it easy to close the door when I’m on a video call with the appointmed team or a client.

The office is designed to fit my personal style as well. I like to surround myself with lots of natural light, green plants, and inspirational/funny quotes on the wall. Right in front of my desk is a large painting of ocean waves breaking in a bay — perfect for peeking over the screen and daydreaming for a minute.

The desk itself is custom made and height-adjustable, which allows me to either work sitting or standing — all it takes is a simple press of a button underneath the tabletop.

Work Setup

Workspace with Computer

As a designer, there was no way around Apple in my early days and I’ve been sticking to their devices for ages now. I do want to give other products a try someday though (👋 Microsoft).

My current setup includes

Noteworthy Accessories

Prints from Lukes Beard